10 Things You Should Never Include On Your Resume

When crafting your resume, it’s essential to present yourself professionally and strategically. Here are ten things you should avoid including:

1. Personal Information: Avoid including personal details such as your marital status, age, religion, or social security number. These details are not relevant to your qualifications for the job and may introduce bias or discrimination.

2. Irrelevant Work Experience: Only include work experience that is relevant to the job you’re applying for. Omit part-time jobs or roles from many years ago if they don’t contribute to your candidacy for the position.

3. Unprofessional Email Address: Use a professional email address that includes your name rather than a personal or inappropriate one. Avoid using email addresses that contain nicknames, random numbers, or slang terms.

4. Objective Statements: While objective statements were once common, they are now considered outdated. Instead of stating what you want from the job, focus on what you can offer to the employer in a summary or professional profile section.

5. Negative Language or Tone: Keep your language positive and professional. Avoid using negative or self-deprecating language that could undermine your qualifications or enthusiasm for the role.

6. Unexplained Employment Gaps: If you have gaps in your employment history, briefly explain them in your cover letter or be prepared to address them in an interview. However, you don’t need to provide detailed explanations on your resume.

7. Unverified Skills or Exaggerations: Be honest about your skills and experiences. Avoid exaggerating or lying about your qualifications, as this can be easily verified and could damage your reputation and credibility.

8. Generic Phrases or Buzzwords: Avoid using generic phrases or buzzwords that don’t add value to your resume. Instead, focus on providing specific examples of your accomplishments and contributions.

9. Inappropriate Hobbies or Interests: While it’s okay to include hobbies or interests that demonstrate relevant skills or qualities, avoid listing hobbies that are controversial or unrelated to the job. Keep this section brief and focused on activities that showcase your strengths.

10. References: It’s no longer necessary to include “References available upon request” on your resume. Employers assume that you can provide references if requested, so use the limited space on your resume to highlight your qualifications instead.

By avoiding these ten common pitfalls, you can create a more effective and professional resume that enhances your chances of landing interviews and securing job offers.