Difference between CV and Resume

The terms “CV” (Curriculum Vitae) and “resume” are often used interchangeably, but they have distinct differences in their format, length, content, and purpose:


  • CV: CVs tend to be longer and more detailed, often spanning multiple pages, particularly in academic and research fields. They include comprehensive information about academic achievements, research projects, publications, presentations, awards, and professional affiliations.
  • Resume: Resumes are typically shorter and more concise, usually limited to one or two pages. They focus on summarizing relevant work experience, skills, and achievements related to a specific job or industry.


  • CV: CVs include a comprehensive overview of your academic and professional background, covering details such as education, research experience, publications, presentations, conferences attended, grants received, and teaching experience.
  • Resume: Resumes prioritize relevant work experience, skills, and achievements, tailored to the specific job or industry. They may also include a summary of qualifications, professional certifications, relevant coursework, and volunteer work.


  • CV: CVs are commonly used in academic, scientific, medical, and research fields, where a detailed record of academic and professional accomplishments is essential. They are also standard in international contexts.
  • Resume: Resumes are the preferred document in most industries, particularly in the United States and Canada. They are tailored to specific job applications and highlight qualifications and experiences relevant to the position.


  • CV: CVs typically have a more structured format, with sections such as Education, Research Experience, Publications, Presentations, Awards, and Professional Affiliations.
  • Resume: Resumes have a more flexible format, allowing for customization based on the job requirements. Common sections include Contact Information, Summary or Objective, Work Experience, Skills, Education, and Additional Sections (such as Certifications, Volunteer Work, or Languages).

In summary, while both CVs and resumes are used to showcase an individual’s qualifications and experiences, the choice between them depends on factors such as industry norms, geographic location, and the specific requirements of the job application. CVs are comprehensive documents suitable for academic and research positions, while resumes are concise summaries tailored to specific job opportunities in most other industries.